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Adult Colouring Books

Would you believe, you have waited months for a new blog and then 2 come along together. The truth is I was getting carried away with adding some items that I forgot about doing the blog and adding them to my social media platforms, so this week I am have a blitz to update both blog and social media with all the collections so far.

So on with the items for this blog, these carry on from the last blog with Adult Colouring Books this time, again in a digital pdf format. The first few I have put up are in the Mandala style, Just on the themes of Yoga, Cats and Horses but of course more will follow in the future.

As with the children's collection, these adult Colouring books can also be printed off for colouring in by hand and the can imported in Photoshop for some extra editing and using such tools as Shading, Gradient and the use of Brushes to really do a masterpiece.

Once again if you have any questions or requests for the adult colouring books, please use the contact us section and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

See you next time, (probably in a few moments).